Sunday, November 1, 2015

Ready for Gratitude

November 1

Good Morning world:) It's hard to sit still and type, because I am so very excited that we are in November!

This month, as in the past, I will be updating the blog with gratitude posts each day. In this "anything goes" world that we live in, I think it is imperative to slow it down a bit and take time to be thankful and also to share. Because we, "I" can end up sharing negativity far too much. This time of the year allows me to break the cycle and refresh my life with glowing gratitude.

So today, the Lord's Day, and the first day of November 2015.....where shall I start?

I will begin with new life, aka babies. My heart is thankful for all the new babies that are on the way in my family and circle of friends. Little, tiny people who will end up being our hope for a better world.

I have a sweet plethora of pregnant friends. And seeing the excitement and the planning and the joy makes me smile! That right there is something to be thankful for. If you are one of these amazing women, please know that I am praying for you and a healthy pregnancy and delivery. I also add the prayer that these little babies will grow up to know the Lord, and be a light to others.

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