Saturday, January 3, 2015

This year will bring on 30

Everywhere I look, friends and acquaintances are turning 30, or already have at some point in the last few months.

I think it is a pretty great thing. A life milestone, that is a privilege, a responsibility and yet can still be packed with excitement and fun! 

I have seen the dread, the method of casual ignoring, the despondency, the happiness, and in my case the mounting enthusiasm that turning 30 can bring.

My 20's were very good years. A LOT of things happened to me and for me and around me and near me in my 20's; that shaped me into the woman that I am at this moment. A whirlwind of lessons that have stuck, and have given me backbone and hope, over time. And please know that my 20's showed me great grief and great joy. Both, life is about both. Both will come to you. Be a survivor, it is worth it!

And you know what my secret to 30 is, actually my secret to my 30's? Lean in close, you are not going to want to miss this....My secret is that going into my 30's I have a bold hope for all of the best that life can offer. Why in the world not? I am going into these years with my expectations high, I am going in still believing in dreams, and passion and joy and fulfillment. I am seeing my 30's as a time to share of myself, and also build for myself. That combination should work well.

There is a wisdom that this "old soul" has acquired and so there are some things I know.
I know that my faith is paramount, and no matter what 30 holds, if it does not bring me closer to God and help me be more faithful in my walk, then I don't want it. It is as simple and as difficult as that. Life will bring me back to this point again and again.

I know that feelings are important but that they are transient and fleeting. In my 30's I want a life that builds on my total character, not just one that feels "good". There is more to life than feeling "good" and I want that more, though I am sure it will come at a price.

I know that there is a better Sabrina inside me. In my 30's, if I can continue to be the authentic Sabrina, smiling yet a deep-thinker; quirky yet kind; praying yet pushing ahead. If, I can be those things and so much more, well then my 30's and I should get along just fine. Also, the better Sabrina will have to be honest with herself. If you can't be honest about the true starting line, well then you are not going to win the race. So, seeing my spiritual, familial, financial, health, and personal life as they are right now, and knowing that my 30's will bring growth; I start moving ahead. Baby steps sometimes and maybe leaps sometimes, but progress, I look toward progress.

Enough for now I think, but the well is not dry on this topic of turning 30. Not at all.

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