Friday, June 5, 2015

30 before 30 Part 2

Schools out for summer.....and I can finally get to finishing up my inventory of my 30 before 30 list. I did not get to everything on my list, but it was the effort that counted most, and this list was still one of the most fun things I have ever done!
Goals 11-20

11. take a surprise visit home to see my parents
I planned this one before I turned I will still count it as complete. I went home to Jacksonville for Mother's Day. I knew in my heart that I would make the trip this year as soon as my grandma passed. We enjoyed a mellow and memory filled time. It was sweet and somber, but still very very good!

12. maintain my weight, below a "magic" number  
(Gotta get my motivation back on track)
13. plan a trip just for the sister and I

14. read through the New Testament

I started co-teaching Ladies Bible class on Wednesday night in April, but did not meet this goal. I still want to however!
15. clean out my email ( all 3 accounts)

My email is definitely a bother. One personal account, one junk account, and one work account. All overfull. But I did spend hours on this little project. I unsubscribed to many companies, deleted and deleted til my eyes were blurry. All that and I will for sure need to clean them out again soon....yuck!

16. buy a pedometer and track my steps
My parents got me a Fitbit for my birthday! I love it! I just clip it on each day and the motivation is gives me is excellent!

17. adopt a classroom for a school year 

18. update my scrapbook

This one changed a bit...I started using the Snapfish app and getting free prints. So now I have actual "old-fashioned" photo albums full of amazing memories! 
19. use the scanner I got and really organize old memories, pictures and papers

20. go to a concert
On the Friday before Easter, Kenneth was my last minute date to a gospel concert. We both had a wonderful time! We heard the delightful voices of J Moss, Jessica Reedy, and Mary Mary.


TONI said...

I didn't complete most of the things on my 30 before 30 list :( But several of them I moved to a new list called 31 flavors of fun. I'm going to have fun for 31!

Sabrina said...

hahaha I like it:) I think having fun goals, helps the year stay purposeful...not just floating along. You should write about your updated list!