Saturday, November 1, 2014

Thankful 2014

November 1st 2014, a most welcome date on the calendar. Fall is here and November ushers in the start of the end of the year. Hooray!

This  will be the third year that I take moments to blog about the thankfulness that flows from a blessed and genuine life! I hope to write everyday of the things that I have to be thankful for. I know that a thankful spirit is just like medicine for the soul, soothing me and healing places that would be quick to find a complaint.

I am thankful for the cool weather that blew in during the night. On Monday high's of 87, and today, Saturday, high's of 60 degrees. I am thankful because there is a specific time in the year for this cool weather, and it is refreshing and appreciated.

And you know what? I am thankful because nature is exactly like life. Bringing the exact right season and moments into our world. There is time for both summer swimsuits and fall boots. Times in life for both hard work and refreshing. Sitting here listening to the cold wind blow, I am thankful for what the wind brings to life and also for what it blows away. Bringing hope and blowing away stagnant thoughts and self-centered actions.

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