Wednesday, April 28, 2010

29 Receives

To start... My 25th birthday was a true blessing. Better than I had even imagined!

I have finished my first 29 Days Giving journey and let me tell you...I LOVED IT. It changed my perspective and I can't wait to start again on May 1st.

I want to list here 29 receives that come to mind. The whole idea is to give AND be open and aware of receiving. Boy am I aware!

1 weekend with my amazing friends!
2 free packing boxes
3 a buyer for my car
4 a new car!
5 alone time at Lake Ella
6 smiles
7 joy
8 adorable headwrap
9 $$ from a sale
10 an much needed gift from Melanie
11 rest
12 purposeful prayer
13 new books!
14 free dessert
15 book club!
16 birthday gifts
17 encouraging words
18 love
19 a deeper understanding of God and Christ
20 manicure
21 hope
22 a much waited for update from UGA
23 support
24 free breakfasts, lunches, and dinners!
25 time in nature


Anonymous said...

I enjoyed reading your blog. I am sure going to miss you and your wonderful positive attitude next year. You are one amazing person! :) Kathy D.

Annie said...

Did you get a new car???

I loved this little list. It's so nice to take notice of all the blessings in our lives!