Thursday, September 20, 2012

Oh Life!

I'm alive, I don't know if you were wondering since I have not posted in a while.
But as you can probably guess, life has been "off the chain" lately up here in GA.
The details would shock you. You would cry, and cringe, and probably get a head and heart ache sometimes. Everyone cannot handle that (I barely can some days) and for confidentiality sake, I won't share details.
But, the end of the matter is this. God is working through my fragile, weakness, and helping an entire community by strengthening a school.
In order to work in mental health you have to find a professional distance from the stories that you hear day in and out. If you don't, you will get burned out. That was, sometimes still is, me. But, I am learning. Some nights I am so emotionally and mentally exhausted I just fall into bed. Then others I toss and turn with anxiety (might as well call it what it is). Lately, though I have ordered myself to not bring my job to bed with me.....and that is helping.

Oh Life! As I drove past my old on-campus apartment, I could not believe how much I have grown-up in a year (2 months really). I still am sheltered in many ways but, boy was I naive. And boy oh boy was I ungrateful. If you have food to eat for every meal plus snacks. Family who tells you that you are loved. Transportation and funds for travel both across town and nationally. If you can read this and/or other writings written on a high school level. If you have never had anyone put their hands on you in anger and violence. Well, then your life is blessed beyond measure. I have been humbled and my world-view is changing. What I live as a "guarantee", my babies see as a dream.
 But, there is hope every time I talk to a child about growing up and college. Hope when our kids control their feelings better than most of the adults in their life combined. Hope for myself that I can live my life with Godly purpose and release the idea of control that I once thought I possessed. Thank You to my prayer warriors who have not forgotten me:) I need you and always encourage anyone, anywhere to send up prayers for myself and the work that I do with children.

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