I have had many ah ha moments in my life. Especially during my especially gullible MS and HS years. However, most recently my biggest AH HA Moment was while reading the book above.
I am SUCH a firstborn it is not even funny! I kept turning pages and thinking, Good Grief that is me! Wait I ALWAYS do that! How in the world does he know how I think!
If you are a first born I would recommend this book. I will keep my copy forever. Now, just as any book there were parts that were just so/so. However the majority was scarily spot on. A few snippets....
*I think part of my natural leadership ability is due to being born first.
*I often see choices and big decisions in black and white. I have such a hard time with the middle ground and shades of gray.
* Being a go getter is like breathing to me, in fact I have to hold it back sometimes when I am in a group.
* Lastly, I had to learn to be a group worker. It is natural for me to work hard and to work alone. In fact until very recently that was the way that I preferred it. Rampant individualism= clear sign of a first born.
No matter what your birth order, I say embrace it! There is so much to each of our individual personalities and finding your exact niche is like finding a blissful spot:)
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