Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Funny Giving!

So, as I mentioned earlier, I am giving 29 days of gifts. Inspired by Mrs. Cami Walker.

Today is day 10 and it has been a joy:) I had to laugh today because my idea was a borrowed one. Pay for the meal of the person behind you in the drive through. Sounds great right! Can't go wrong right? Wrong!

Well, when I pulled up to BK there were cars in front of me....but none behind. I was like, what is THIS! I mean I am trying to give and I had no one to give to. I tried to order all slow but still no car. Finally I creep up to the window and someone finally pulls up. Crisis averted!

I inform the lady that I want to pay for my order and the person behind me. My first clue should have been that it took a few minutes. Finally the lady looks at me and says your total is $2.96. Her total is $13.88! I don't know if my mouth dropped open, but my mind was like...geez are you ordering for the whole office! I was a little surprised, but you can't put a pricetag on a gift. Anyway, I still bought her breakfast and can only hope that she enjoyed it! I got a good laugh out of it, this giving thing is powerful and sometimes unexpected!
** I figured the person behind me would order around $7.00, that's why I was a little shocked. Guess I need to stop figurin:)**


Annie said...

This is hilarious! I'm planning on doing the same thing (seems so fun!), and I'll let you know if I have different results! :)

Anonymous said...

That is so funny! That sounds like something that would happen to me too! Anyway, its nice to give. ~Cherika

RachelDeAngelis said...

I started my 29 Gifts kind of half-heartedly, and then gave up. :(

I will try it again, sometime soon! I just need to go into it whole-heartedly next time, and pick each gift on purpose!