Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Spoiled Plans

Oh Booooooo! I was really looking forward to a trip to Orlando this December. I am lucky enough to have a lot of friends and friends like family in that area and Tampa.

However, I hear you "forces that be". I asked three different friends for a place to stay and everyone is booked. Sad times......but December is a busy month. So it actually makes a lot of sense. Well, I will just have to try again sometime.

Since those plans fell through I need to think of some other travel ideas to make me happy. Because I really am pretty disappointed that my trip is a no go. When you love traveling, you are always looking forward to the next trip!

Melanie mentioned New Years in Savannah. That could be interesting!
Or maybe I could save up my pennies and finally get to go see Kristin and Boston.
Then again I also have been very interested in taking an off season cruise somewhere beachy and peaceful.

We shall see.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Friday Tunes: Christmas Edition

Ok, here we go! Official holiday music season is here!!!!! And I am in no way afraid to share some of my favorites with you all. This is one day late but here you go. I would suggest listening to it more than watching the "homemade" video.....the video is nothing fancy....but the song is great;)

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Thankful: 2

It is a great morning in the life of me. Not much has happened and I am still in my PJ's but I am awake and alive to live another day.....and I appreciate that fact:)
I started a Thankful list last week (see here) and I got to cover the first 15 things that bring thankfulness into my life. Today I want to share 16-20. Enjoy!
16) I am thankful for finally getting some direction in my life as I focus on my future. The prayerful plan is for me to look for School Counseling jobs in the Metro Atlanta area. Though I miss my home state, there could be some great job opportunities up here in GA, and I am thankful for the chance to get to find out what comes next.
17) I PASSED my Comp exams!!!! If you read this or know me then you get what a big deal this was. I am deliriously happy and thankful.
18) This one is going to seem a little odd, but I am thankful for all of the positive, loving, and exemplary older people in my life. I have a varied group of friends and acquaintances and have been shown so much love and good old fashioned hospitality by those who are a little or a lot farther down this road of life. I appreciate it SO much!!!!
19) I am thankful for this positive, glowing feeling I have about 2012. 2011 was a good year. But boy oh boy I get this feeling about what is coming next! I want to end this year and enter the next with my heart in the right place. Whatever 2012 might bring, I pray I find thankfulness in the moments.
20) The friends that grace my life. The friends that uphold me and call on me to share in their lives. The friends who "get me" and still want to stick around anyway;) From huddling in movie theaters, to long overdue chats, to traveling for pure pleasure. From dreaming and wishing and remembering. To all of my friends, I thank God for you and your friendship.
21) I must add that I am thankful for teachers. They work so hard, and sacrifice so much day in and day out. At the end of the day they share their passion and knowledge so that children, and teens, and other adults can grow and thrive. Too many times sadly, the care they show for others does not get shared back with them. Thank goodness for each and every one!
22) My family is the music in my life. And the odd thing is I am not even 100% sure of what I mean by that. I do know that the strength and perseverance, the struggles and overwhelming joy that my family brings into my life daily are something I cherish and give thanks for.
23) I am thankful for the many, many people who will have to work over the upcoming holidays. The job market can seem bleak at times and there are people working because they have to.....their finances give them no choice. There are so many people especially behind the scenes that don't get credit. I mean I never think to be thankful for truck drivers, or air safety control officers, or fire fighters etc.. Well, I want to take that time now....Thank You all!
24) I am thankful for this season in my life. The 20's if you will. I have learned from some hard knocks and the bruises of some life lessons learned are beginning to fade. No one will ever tell you how difficult your 20's can be. A TON of decisions and changes and growing up has to take place. Sometimes it feels overwhelming! However, I am thankful that at age 26 there are some things I have, and some things I don't have, and some things I still want. This time in my life is something to be thankful for.
25) Lastly, I am thankful for the things I cannot name. I am thankful for the things that appear so small that I can't even gather them up together and put a name on them. For split second decisions that have kept me safe. For random people who showed up in my life briefly but in a much needed fashion. I am thankful for things past my explaining and understanding. I am thankful that I am not the center of the universe, that I don't and will never be able to completely understand this thing called life. I guess I am just thankful for being human, and fallible, and oriented toward growth and positive change. 
God bless you this Thanksgiving! And then go out and be a blessing to others:)

Friday, November 18, 2011

Friday Tunes

Today is Friday and the start of my Thanksgiving break! 

Monday, November 14, 2011

Grad School Update

Because my blog sometimes becomes a place where all things random land;)

I wanted to put out an update on life in grad school. That is the main reason I started my little blog anyway. So that I could have a log of this experience. And try to capture in words and a few, spaced out pictures what my life contains.

You already know that my super stressful comp exams have come and gone. Scores will come out around Thanksgiving. I am unsure of how I did....and I will just leave that right there and wait.

Spring 2012 is my last semester at the University of Georgia. I will be a full time student again with 12 hours of classes to keep me going. I will have my great Internship at a local elementary school. Running small groups, doing classroom guidance, and seeing individual students, and all sorts of school counselor things. I will still work away at the Disability Resource Center on campus as well. At some point I will begin the job search (exciting yet scary!). There will also be Prayer group to stabilize me and also a new Bible study to help me grow in knowledge and wisdom.

2012 promises to be a full year! I will need your prayers and thoughts even more as my future begins to unfold.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Thankful: 1

It's Thanksgiving month. Sure, most people probably can stretch Thanksgiving out for a few days....but I like to think about it all month long. There are 30 days in November and I know I could list 30 things that I am thankful for.

I want to start that list tonight. While I am calm, and in a very productive mode. So let me share the first 15 things that I am thankful for.....and the second half will join in later this week, or maybe next week.

1) Each and every season in nature and its unique, and majestic beauty.
2) Having my parents still alive and kicking. As I get older I appreciate my parents and their Christian guidance more and more.
3) This blog, that lets me write and decompress and reflect on life as I know it.
4) Focusing on my is a struggle for me, but the days where I stick to it really are worth the work.
5) My safety. I am so blessed and protected and I am thankful for that and prayerful for those who don't share the same blessing.
6) My unique talents and skill set. There is only one me out there and I am thankful for all of the things that I can do. People often give me the credit, but I know it is God working in me daily.
7) Laughter. This life is supposed to be full of laughter and joy. I just know it is! I enjoy laughing and am thankful for a happy spirit!
8) The University of Georgia. My time here has been great. I will be done in May and will always, always be thankful for this Masters program and how it in many ways changed my life and prepared me for my future.
9) Big, grand dreams. When I dream, I dream of the best. For example, Not just being an actress, but my Oscar acceptance speech often pops up in my dreamland. Life has not extinguished my ability to dream, and I am thankful for that.
10) My first real job. I am thankful for Roberts Elementary School and how I still carry it around in my heart. So many wonderful memories. I am thankful and will always be thankful for those precious 3 years in my life.
11) I am overly thankful for communication. In all types and forms I appreciate being able to be with people both far and near. Communication has come to mean even more to me as I have discovered the healing properties of saying something...and saying nothing.
12) My sister! We had a great weekend, and it made me reflect on our great life and bond. God saved her life by providing a kidney for her and I am thankful each and every day for her presence in my life.
13) I try to be aware and thankful for the doctors and nurses, and specialists out there. Especially, those who work with children. They are so needed and each and every child they help has a chance to live a full life. Amen for that.
14) I am thankful for my favorite Bible verse.....well I have many favorites, but I think this one gets to my heart every time. Exodus 14:14 " The Lord will fight for you, and you shall hold your peace." So powerful, so strong, and yet so hard because it calls us to let go. And I often tend to hold tight.
15) To end up the first half of this thankful list I want to mention everyone in our military. From rescue divers to receptionists, to ground troops and everyone in between. I could not do it, but I am thankful each day for the hard work, dedication and honor that countless men and women display day in and out to protect our country.

If you made it this far.....I am thankful for you and your interest in my writing;)


Well I can share with you that I was beyond excited today.....about a movie preview.
I guess it's because I didn't have any expectations and then the preview just sort of drew me in completely.
What movie? Well, it's called Snow White and the Huntsman. It comes out next summer so I might as well calm all the way down:)

Anyway here is the preview if you too need a little movie boost!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Recipe for a Sister's Weekend

It is always so nice to have a bonding/relaxing/crafting weekend with my sister. Of course we did it way more often when we were roommates. However, we still try and make time for one every few months. This time around our recipe for a perfect weekend was.....

A trip to the fabulous and addicting Charming Charlie's. It's like Claires but better and for older teens and adults.

There was baking involved. This time we made yummy pumpkin cupcakes with cream cheese icing and dusted with cinnamon. Here they are!

We have holiday music blasting! Michael Buble Holiday station on Pandora.

Of course we are also dabbling in crafting. I made a Thanksgiving centerpeice (see below).....not perfect but the front looks completely finished. I also made thumbprint reindeer Christmas cards. Melanie made some Christmas crafts too.

It has been fun, necessary and relaxing!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Friday Tunes

This cover of Heartless by The Fray was shared with me by one of my best friends. Thanks Cherika!
The original is by Kayne West if you want to do a listening comparison. It's Friday and the weekend has arrived:)

Saturday, November 5, 2011


Here is the perfect post for a Saturday night in the Fall of the year....November to be exact. Everyone needs to unwind daily. Everyone finds totally different ways to slow down and relax. Here are some of mine:)

To unwind is the perfect blend of Pumpkin Spice candle and Pandora (Michael Buble Holiday channel).

Getting my home neat and washing dishes makes me feel accomplished so that it is easier to unwind.

Word games on my iphone are pure fun and therefore help me unwind.

Slipping off my shoes and stomping (I think I walk heavily) around in my socks is basic unwinding 101.

There is also reflection on my life that raises questions, yet has a core of unwinding from the hustle and bustle that I enjoy.

HGTV is mindless unwinding at its finest:)

Getting in "me" time is my most necessary way to unwind.

Ahhhhhhh as One Republic says....."This really is a good life!"

Friday, November 4, 2011

Friday Tunes

Boy, this song is taking me straight back to freshman year at FSU. One of the funny memories with my roommate was laying around in the dark "fake" mourning with this song blasting in the background. I think she was mourning her dramatic dating life.....I was just there to commiserate;) We did this thing where we would just groan together then burst into giggles. And this song definitely matched our mood that evening!

This is not exactly (or at all) a happy tune, but it is beautiful and poetic.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

For a Free Spirit Hippie

If I could be anywhere this weekend I would be in Jacksonville. Surprise, surprise......well actually the previous statement does show the change of heart that I have gone through lately.

Melanie is taking her boyfriend Lee home to meet my family this weekend. It's a pretty big deal if I must say so! It is going to be a fun filled weekend. Back when she first told me, I was still in an unsure spot and so I was glad that I had obligations that would keep me here in GA. Back then I knew my heart would not be in the right spot, and so I didn't need to take that attitude home. I needed some time to grow. It didn't take too long with many people praying for me and listening to my concerns.

However, time, prayer, and self-reflection are powerful. Now,as I am in a place of growing faith I would like to be at home to see how Lee fits in with the Stewarts. My gut tells me I will get that chance again. I will just have to trust the stories and recaps that I get from my funny and faithful mama; my determined and dedicated daddy; and my beautiful baby sister Melanie.

I have had a change of heart:) It was not exactly easy, and could never have been done alone. I have prayed for this weekend and the relationship that my sister and Lee are building. I have stepped back and let go of the tight grip that I tend to have on those I love the most. It's a good thing! Have fun and be safe M&L.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Thoughts Shared

We don't often get to write down our train of thoughts. You know like the raw thoughts that go around in our minds on an hourly basis. I am gonna share some of mine because I need to remember that while I can be illogical....when I do slow it down and reflect with Godly wisdom.....well it all makes perfect sense.

Monday afternoon; as I walked home from a review session

Arghhhhhh I can't believe that I am only ONE class away from getting my MFT certificate!
It is SOOOOO unfair and HARD to get that last class. You would not think getting one class would be so difficult. Why can no one help me? Why is this happening to me this week of all weeks? I can't deal with this now and it is making me mad! I am gonna be so angry if I wasted all of this time for Nothing!

Pause for anger and frustration to zoom around for a bit.

Ok, take a deep breath. Now take another one. You did not come to UGA to get the certificate. You came to get your Masters degree, and you all all set on that route. You really have learned many interesting things in the extra MFT electives. They were not a waste of time. And really, even if the worst possible thing happened you would just have to take 1 more class. That is not so bad really.....just one more class somewhere down the line. Don't forget why you came here, it just so happens that the MFT program was presented as as really I am blessed to even be in this spot. You have worked hard to take the extra classes and they have fit in with your schedule. Be will all work out. And you have Comps to study for, so shelve this until next week.

I think pretty fast.....I guess all people do. So that was my thought process during my 10 minute walk home. I am so thankful for this program because it has made me really focus on my thoughts. Old me would have let my frustration build up for quite a while. Now I am seeing that I am in charge of my thoughts and how they effect my attitude. And our thoughts always effect our attitude. Every day, every hour, and every moment. 

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Faith works

Accumulated stress is no lie.
Looking around and seeing multiple questions that await answers is difficult.
Having an uncertain future can be challenging.

It is a daily battle sometimes.....but I choose Faith.

Faith acknowledges stress and then reminds me to breathe deeply and repeatedly, and slow my pace, and look for the sunshine through the rain.
Faith holds all the answers to any questions I could possibly its own time.
Faith looks at the past and today and says there is NO reason to be concerned. It will all work out for good.

I need Faith more than ever in this current season of life. I am growing up and as I become a woman of God I see that living and breathing Faith is necessary and also life-saving.

This week and really space of time (now through May and maybe beyond) is part of a pivotal piece of the life of Sabrina. I am present and ready, I am prayerful and thoughtful. I can see that this time is special and I hope to honor the moments.