Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Faith works

Accumulated stress is no lie.
Looking around and seeing multiple questions that await answers is difficult.
Having an uncertain future can be challenging.

It is a daily battle sometimes.....but I choose Faith.

Faith acknowledges stress and then reminds me to breathe deeply and repeatedly, and slow my pace, and look for the sunshine through the rain.
Faith holds all the answers to any questions I could possibly imagine.....in its own time.
Faith looks at the past and today and says there is NO reason to be concerned. It will all work out for good.

I need Faith more than ever in this current season of life. I am growing up and as I become a woman of God I see that living and breathing Faith is necessary and also life-saving.

This week and really space of time (now through May and maybe beyond) is part of a pivotal piece of the life of Sabrina. I am present and ready, I am prayerful and thoughtful. I can see that this time is special and I hope to honor the moments.

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