Saturday, March 23, 2013

March- Work Friends

In the back of my mind I had this idea to combine my love of cooking with my love of friends.
So, this year I want to diligently try and host one friend (or more) each month. I want to cook for them and eat with them because these things mean so much to me. And they deepen friendships. I just want to have fun and food with my fabulous friends:)

In March I hosted a birthday party for friends from work. We had a blast and laughed until I got a headache.  It was pot-luck style and so filling and tasty. I didn't cook anything really, but I did provide some of the food. This new flexibility is part of the new motto of Sabrina. Be less rigid girl, make your plans and goals (like cooking for friends each month).....but chill out just a little (Publix wings and cupcakes can count). That way instead of a life of check-boxes, you can have an authentic life filled with relationships and purpose.

chicken wings
deviled eggs
chips and "hot dip" 

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