Saturday, April 23, 2011


I am so thankful for my grandma. I know part of it is because she is my only grandparent left. As I have grown up I have come to cherish her more and more.

She is outrageous.....really she is, and I love her for it.

She is funny! She knows how to surprise you with her wit and humor.

She is slow moving. There is NO rushing her....and the family knows that.

She is so gosh darn cute. I love her face, and every well earned wrinkle and every wink she gives you on the sly;)

She is strong. She is the matriarch of the family and if you forget that fact, she will remind you.

She is old-school. Modern times can come and go but my grandma does what she wants:)

She is the only one who calls me by a nickname. I am her Brina and she is my Grandma!

Happy Birthday to the best grandma a girl could ever hope for. I LOVE you Laura B. Miles:)

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