Monday, June 7, 2010


In honor of this milestone day I figured I would write a post experimenting with all types of font! (Why not!)

Milestone 1: This is my 51st post! YAY for me. Though I don't have a theme for my thoughts or anything life changing to say...I like having this record and avenue to share.

Milestone 2: Today was my first day of gradaute classes. If you did not know, here is my summer schedule.
I am taking 12 hours (4 classes) in 7 weeks (crazy I KNOW!). That shakes out to one class a day from 9-4 (with 1 hr for lunch). Friday I don't have any class...but I have enough reading and projects to fill up the weekend.

Milestone 3: Today I ate fried fish that had been marinated in cinnamon! Yesterday I had cinnamon flavored pork chops:) My mama keeps on using cinnamon instead of paprika and the results have been interesting. Today the fish was actually yummy!

Night! (I wonder what month it will be on my 100th post? Hmmm I am thinking 2011:)

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