Friday, July 30, 2010


I met a great friend (Erin) for lunch and talk. Faith, Moving and More were on the menu, along with yummy mac and cheese!

Then I went swimming with a mentor and fabulous friend (Darlene). Just relaxing and floating in the pool was bliss. This is not her pool....but it is pretty!

Wrapped up this day that I loved visiting with an old college friend (Rachel) for pizza, cupcakes and Wii!

WHEW! Good Night!

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Pick me Up!

A few weeks ago I was feeling a little sad/lonely about my transition and everything. Pretty normal stuff, anyways I pulled up the good bye letters from my babies and it was like medicine for my soul. I am SO lucky to have that, because the open, caring nature of children always seems to bring me back. It is where some of my best energy comes from!

I am happy because my favorite contestant on The Next Food Network Star (Aarti) just discovered this! See her blog post below:)

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

It feels like HOME to me

The title of this post is part of the pretty chorus of a song by Chantal Kreviazuk. My homes are a blessing, that's right, homes. Jacksonville is my primary home but Tallahassee is a close second. When people in Georgia ask me where I am from, I tell some people Jacksonville, and some Tallahassee. And that is how I feel. I spent 18 years in one and 7 years in the other. Both places have changed my life.

The thing about home is that if you leave it in a good way, you can always come back. Every time I get back to Jacksonville I start running errands and catching up with people as if I had just been gone for a week. I LOVE that. I love my childhood bedroom, church family, and more. My home is a reflection of me. It is good to sit and think of the memories that surround me when I am home. It is not just by random luck that my home is a source of stability. It is that way because of love, sacrifice, prayer, and dedication.

Now, I am back in Tallahassee and already I have seen great friends. Tomorrow I am going out to my old stomping grounds (Roberts). Swimming with friends and all sorts of mini reunions are in my plans. YAY for summer and for being home:)

Sunday, July 25, 2010

A Movie Review of sorts....

I should be in bed. However, this is what vacations are for. Midnight blog updates;)

Soooo, I LOVED INCEPTION! There are only two other movies that made me think so hard, and had me having full conversations with myself in the theater (insert drumroll).

A Beautiful Mind
The Prestige ( LOVE this too!)

I am not even going to give anything away. I am by no means a professional movie critic. Here are my brief thoughts (no spoilers). The music was breathtaking and matched the mood note for note. The whole plot was so deep, like I felt my mind actually working to understand what in the world was going on. Lastly, one of the actors looks like a young Heath Ledger. I know you are all now panting to go see Inception. I kind of figured my review would do that;)

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Class of 2012

Dear Cohort,
Before I head out for some well deserved rest time I wanted to say a huge Thank You to you.
I have truly come to love you, and that is a little unexpected. I knew I would like you but what I feel is more.
12 people, all SO unique! When I think of you here is what stands out to me....

SAM: Our only man! Though you enjoy putting your feet on the table you also are open and willing to share. Thank You for being you.
STACEY: One of the sweetest people I have ever met. You work SO hard and you have an amazing story to share that people need to hear. You are also my out of state buddy:)
BRONWYN: Since day 1 when I plopped down next to you we instantly had a connection. You want everything to be perfect and it often is. Add to that the fact that you don't even look your age;) Your kindness has made an impression on me.
LIYA: Creative and Independent . You have the type of inner strength that I know has been earned through trials and tribulations. You WILL do great things. I can't wait to hear and see them:)
JESSICA: My interview partner!! I think I might need a few sessions when the Fall starts. Your knowledge and caring heart are apparent to me. Good luck with your sister coming to town and driving the bus in the Fall.
JANE: I think of smiles and sunshine when I think Jane....however I know that you are working your tail off. You give to others constantly and you will reap huge rewards because you are 100% true and special.
SHAMA: I LOVE YOU! No matter what the future holds you will go with me because of who you are and what you have shared. Your hard work and love for your family and culture are inspiring. The amazing things that you will one day do are awesome to think about:)
CHIEMEZIE: You smile so easily and it is always genuine:) Your quiet strength shines though. On top of all that you are, I just love getting little fashion tips from you by watching how you mix colors and patterns! (I don't know if you knew that.)
NATALIE: Ready with just the right thing to say to add humor to the moment. Our RTI Queen who has BIG plans for the future on many levels. You are exactly where you need to be at the time when you were needed most....remember that!
LAUREN: Classy, sometimes quiet but with a complete heart of gold. Your background knowledge is amazing to me and you will get to use it well in the future. Thank You for opening up your lake house to us!
MARIAN: Not timid about saying what you think. Caring for others in small little ways that add up to a lot. Happy Early Birthday to you!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Thoughts that are Random;)

* There is nothing to glue these thoughts together. They are just what is on my mind currently....

* Melanie and I are going to be saying goodbye to our home of 3 years. Country living was the life for us and I will be sad to say goodbye to Casa Stewart. Of course we are both moving on to different things in GA but still.....

* Time flies by! So much is changing and will change as 2010 continues on. May I remember to make some tea and savor the moments.

* To all of those heading back to school soon. GOOD LUCK!!!!! Especially my Roberts family:)

* Raising kids today that are not spoiled and entertainment junkies is hard. Whatever happened to the old school parents. The ones who didn't bargain with children, the ones who laid down the law, the ones who were respected and taught respect. I see now why my parents did not just let me go over to anyone's house. They had to know the family.

* Friends.....confusing, fun, difficult, fufilling, confusing!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

I adore this Song!

This morning during communion we sang and focused on the beautiful song How Deep the Father's Love For Us. It almost had me in tears. Anyway, here are the amazing lyrics. You can hear it on Youtube if you are interested!

How deep the Father's love for us
How vast beyond all measure

That He would give His only Son

To make a wretch His treasure

How great the pain of searing loss

The Father turns His face away

As wounds which mar the chosen One

Bring many sons to glory

Behold the Man upon a cross

My guilt upon His shoulders

Ashamed, I hear my mocking voice

Call out among the scoffers

It was my sin that held Him there

Until it was accomplished

His dying breath has brought me life

I know that it is finished

I will not boast in anything

No gifts, no powr's, no wisdom

But I will boast in Jesus Christ

His death and resurrection

Why should I gain from His reward?

I cannot give an answer

But this I know with all my heart

His wounds have paid my ransom

Friday, July 16, 2010

I'm coming HOME

Florida I am coming back:) Athens and UGA has been quite an experience on so many levels. BUT...

I can't wait to see my beloved family and friends again!!!

( I am too I had not seen them in a year! I miss my people though.)

Here is what the plan looks like:

A day or two relaxing with my aunt in ATL while the cousin is in Europe (that boy is a travel guru!)

Jacksonville time!!! (VBS, family, swimming, TiVo, etc.)

Tallahassee visit ( Roberts reunion, Julie, all things Timberlane, dining out, dentist, etc.)

Back to Jacksonville, and then on to Daytona to pick up my lovely grandma. Then roadtrip back to Tally with three generations of Miles women:)

Melanie's Graduation!!!!!!!!!!! YAY I am SOOO proud!!!

Back to Jacksonville for more family time and to celebrate my parent's 30th Anniversary!!!!!!

Rush back to GA for lakehouse cohort reunion and then back to class August 16th.

I AM SO EXCITED!!!!! I hope to see many of you soon:)

Acrostic Day

Frasier Marathon (laughter guaranteed)
Real time to relax (what a week I had!)
I can't believe how fast my summer is going
Dress down and roam around campus
A perfect day to clean my apartment
Y ummy options of dinner and dessert

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

It was not always this way

* This is long but sheds some light on my past!*

Today I got a huge dose of something and I wanted to share. The older I get I keep on meeting people and expanding my circle to include people who didn't know little Sabrina. My Athens friends, and many of my Tally people don't know too much about me as a child. That is not a's just life.

Fast forward to today.

I gave a group presentation to my class and afterwards received some very sincere compliments about my presentation and speaking style. (Thank You!!! by the way) When I was at Roberts, as I would give my LCTA speeches I would also get some people who would say that they enjoyed my energy and presentation. All of these instances humbled me and today in particular reminded me of little Sabrina. In fact it's as if little me received the compliment. Let me share a little with you.

I was an intense child. Definitely happy and definitely verbal. Oh, the family stories about me and my mouth and funny/sarcastic moments. In elementary school however, I tested into Speech class. I talked very fast but also I slurred my r's and some other letter combinations. While speech was fun I became self conscious of my words. Very self conscious!! Very, VERY self conscious:( Even today there are certain words I don't like to say. Mainly words with an "rl" blend. Like in world. Reading aloud in class lost it's charm because most of my words would sound fine....but there were those few that I knew were not right. And little Sabrina...and Sabrina now liked to be right.

I worked hard in speech, improved and tested back out after 5th grade. However, the feelings still remained. I was NOT confident in public speaking. Friends, family, OK. School, formal settings, NOT  OK!

So all that to say. Even today when I stand up and present, the few moments right before I talk, little Sabrina gets in my head. She is still unsure and a little nervous and SO self-conscious. Her presence just reminds me of how far I have come. All of the encouraging words I receive I really internalize because it was not always this way!!! I have grown in my speaking abilities and that is a blessing from God.

Today in particular I got a dose of reality that reminded me of something. Hard work does pay off. People can overcome challenges and overcome them to find victory. As I walked home I smiled and said a grateful prayer. May I never forget how far I have come. May I stop always wishing life would be easier and instead embrace the good feelings that come from hard work and perseverance.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Late Pics Post!

I am loving this place! It is wonderful to be living within the realm of an answered prayer! If you think about it, many of us are doing that. Living out our life in a situation that we had hoped, prayed, and wished for:)

One amazing sister, one superb friend and I:) Thanks for a fabulous weekend ladies!!!!

According to UGA myth if you walk through the arches as a student you will never graduate from UGA. Too much $$$ involved for me to chance that;) Class of 2012 here I come!

Fireworks at Lenox Square! What a mall. Thank Goodness I don't live close enough to shop there weekly.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010


My prayer life is in constant transition. However, it is one of the things that I believe keeps my faith growing. Prayer has always been a part of my life. Truthfully and painfully I say it has not always been meaningful. Sometimes my closed eyes would mask a distracted brain. Sometimes my bowed head would hide a numb mind. However, if you ever want to see growth you have to embrace all sides of the story. So that is one side.

Now however, my prayer life is different. I will credit the Bibel stories of Job and the book of Psalms for the  transformation in my prayer life. They let me know that it was OK to talk to God. I did not have to pretend or be perfect, I just had to talk. I learned through some trying times that it is OK and actually healing to cry out to God with all the pain that sometimes seemed too much. I saw that I could smile and grin with my God over answered prayers and happy times! I could be confused with God, understanding that, that is OK because his ways are not my ways ( Isaiah 55:8).

Recently, I have made the choice to get back down on my knees and pray. I needed that reminder that I am supposed to be a servant and that I am not the one in control. Now, during the day I pray for all types of things and at random times, but I am trying to kneel in the morning to start my day off right.

All of these thoughts on prayer lead me up to a request.....
* UGA was definitly the choice for me, but I REALLY need an out of state tuition waiver. If you could pray for that I would be grateful!!!!
* I have a number of friends who are ready to date/marry but the timing is just off. May we all just continue to pray for the right person at the right time. On a side note it is good to remember that when you say Yes to something you usually are saying No to something else. So, a Yes to marriage could be a No to some other areas.....just think about that.
* Lastly, Melanie needs a job. Really, I am praying for a job for her in her field that she will love. If you could add that to your prayers I would be be most grateful.

If you are stuck in a prayer rut, Google The Interview with God. It is just a reminder and might give you some areas to focus on in prayer.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

A Break of sorts

I will be forever grateful to whoever decided to put a one week break into our summer session!!!

I have never needed a break more. This summer has been intense in a great way. Class, Work, Writing, Processing, and the list goes on.

During my break I plan to:

Enjoy quality time with Julie and Melanie

Catch up on rest and naps

Work on 3 HUGE projects that are due soon

Explore nature

Absorb some good Bible study

Write in my journal

It looks to be a good break. To all of you that are traveling for the 4th be safe and have FUN:)