Monday, October 18, 2010

Walking in a READING wonderland....Part 1

My blog header is not just a random line of four words. I figured when I started this that I would probably talk and write about Teaching (then I became a student again), Reading, Cooking, and Learning.

As I look back though, I don't have many entries about Reading. That has to be fixed now! I love reading, I read all the time. So in the spirit of my favorite holiday (which is coming round the mountain real quick like) I decided to post a few  entries about what I have been reading. Maybe you have been looking for a book. Maybe you just want to see what I have been reading (not likely;)

My first book choice is HEAVY. It is a life changing, great read but it deals with racism and really all the isms, oppression, and power. It's called Privilege, Power, and Difference by Allan Johnson.

I am a part of Book Club for my Counseling Seminar class and this is what we are reading. Like I mentioned it is not light, it is not breezy but it is packed with powerful truth and great insight into systems of power.
It dares to delve  into issues of privilege and how many of us use it daily with detrimental effects on others. My personal copy is all marked up with notes and highlights. I will say that you do have to be ready to read this book because it presents some difficult yet real issues that shape our daily living.

Come back soon for Part 2 of Sabrina's Reading Wonderland.....I will showcase a lighter read next time:)

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