Sunday, October 23, 2011

In my Journal

Today is unique! It has never occurred before and it will never be repeated. At midnight it will end, quietly, suddenly, totally. Forever. But the hours between now and then are opportunities with eternal possibilities. 
Charles R. Swindoll
* Quote included in my journal from last October.*

I enjoy writing. Mainly I write for myself. One of the things that came out of my FSU experience was discovering the joy of consistent journaling. By consistent I mean a few times a month....nothing fancy. I can honestly say that maybe keeping a journal found me before the storm of life rocked my world. And I hope to never let go.

Going back and reading said journals is always a good thing. Let me say that again....going back and reading the thoughts, prayers, and meditations of my heart is ALWAYS a GOOD thing!

So much has changed and yet so much has stayed the same. I see over and over a faithful God who has established me in a faithful life.

My journal is overflowing with family, personal issues, friends, global issues and more. It is both common and unique. It covers the depths and the heights of this life of Sabrina.

If I did not have these written moments.....snippets from a full life, who knows what things I would actually remember. But having journals makes me see moments in my life for what they were. The questions, the waiting, the tears, the smiling, the hoping, the laughing, the confusion, the problems, and the travels. All of this makes up the journey of a woman growing in faith. A 26 year old who has not been afraid to write down her life so that she can remember from how far she has come.

There are a LOT of things coming 'round the bend. I have this feeling and so I keep writing in my journal about dreams and wishes for myself and the ones I love the most.

Thank you God for community, for growth, new and old, travels, love, faith, hope strength, and the unique qualities that make me.....well me:)
Sabrina Stewart April 2011

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