Saturday, December 4, 2010

Looking Back...

My sister Melanie is always teasing me about how I like to remember old times and think about the past.

She is right, I do look back a lot.....and I am not exactly sure if it is a good or bad thing. I do know that if you look back too much you can fall into the trap of painting experiences with a rose colored brush.

This Fall semester has been another growing experience. I am thankful for UGA and my cohort experience in the School Counseling Masters program. Getting involved with the Grandparents raising Grandchildren group was eye opening. Mentoring a 4th grader made me feel complete. Learning about counseling theories showed me how much I don't know....and how much "stuff" I carry around and even sometimes put on other people. Church is a different experience, by that I mean that in each of my moves I have seen or maybe focused on a different part of God's character. No matter what, I know that it has grown my faith to move and change churches and adjust to different styles as long as they are all based in truth and love.

Looking back on the semester I feel....

proud, tired, confused, happy, worried, careful, ambitious, hopeful, scared, nervous, and content.

PS- Here's to one more final and then a Winter break filled with travel and family:)

PPS- GO NOLES!!!!!!!!

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