Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Reads Update

Thanks to Pinterest I have been cooking and crafting more!
This is something I definitely enjoy.

But what about reading? I love to read, and I have not blogged about it lately....so here we go.

Over the Christmas break I was bound and determined to finish this book.
I am so, so glad that I did. This tongue in cheek look at straight up Biblical living (mainly Old Testament) in modern times was funny, and interesting all tied up together. I don't think it's a read for everyone....but I thoroughly enjoyed taking this journey along with the author.

I have also committed myself to read The Hunger Games. My friend is obsessed (in a good way) and she is not going to let me off the hook on this one. We shall see how it goes. If you don't know this already, I am a fan of lite reading fare. The escapism of fluff writing makes me smile. The Hunger Games is not fluff. I will report back.

Currently, I am reading this book.

And though I am neither M or W, I am a female so there are some shared perspectives. Now, I hesitate to recommend this book. One minute I am enjoying the research that is presented on friendships etc. Then the next the author will write something that I find strangely off-putting and snobby. But I can't seem to stop reading it, so I guess that is saying something. Maybe I should have one of those DVD disclaimers.....Just because I am reading this book and featuring it on my blog, does not mean that it represents my personal feelings, or experiences. There, I am sure you are just panting to read it now;)


Annie said...

i can't wait to hear what you think of the hunger games. if it makes you a little less wary, our book club read them, and EVERYONE loved them. EVERYONE. even the girls who normally prefer chick lit... so i think you may really enjoy them. :) and, i may have to check out that last book simply because now i am curious. you've certainly piqued my interest!

Sabrina said...

Great comment Annie:) I had a friend at work give an excellent description of the book and some of its themes. So I will start reading soon. I need to be done in time for the movie in March. Also, I will be interested in hearing/reading your opinion of the BFF book. I do think it is even more relevant to married folks.