Friday, June 10, 2011

Because it's Friday

Because it's Friday and I am in graduate school.....
I will take a spur of the moment road trip to see my lovely sister....and not return to "life" until Monday.

Because it's Friday and I am in graduate school.....
I will eat 2 homemade,warm from the oven cherry tarts and a glass of cold refreshing milk.

Because it's Friday and I am in graduate school.....
I will finally get around to washing the dishes that have been staring at me for a day or two.

Because it's Friday and I am in graduate school.....
I will update my blog and then read over the blogs of friends and take time to comment on them:)

Because it's Friday and I am in graduate school.....
I will take some extra moments to primp today.....hahahaha and not just fly out the door.
* Primping for me is using mascara and eyeshadow.....sorry world, that is the best I got;)

Because it's Friday and I am in graduate school.....
I might try to hit up the gym for an hour!

Have a WONDERFUL weekend everyone:)

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