Thursday, June 23, 2011


It was a hard week this week. Trying to be there for family and a tremendous school load was close to unbearable.  Goodness....I was just running to catch up and I know now that I hate that feeling. (I also didn't make any phone calls to that is a sign that life was crazy!)

I do NOT want to be that woman.....she is not connected, she is not healthy, she forgets too many things, she does not talk to God daily.

Nope, nope....this week reminded me that I can work hard and work a lot but when I get overwhelmed everything just seems kind of dim. I don't feel like I have any fact I feel depleted.

I want the vibrant life! The active, content, life that I have time to savor. I need the simple life, the living life that is close to God and close to growth.

Tomorrow is FRIDAY and I can smell its sweetness already:)


Anonymous said...

Don't beat yourself up too much! You're doing a lot this summer...and all this hard work will lead to a good end. Just keep asking God to help you through and He will:-) ~Cherika

Annie said...

Sabrina, I saw your comment on my post at Annie's blog - thank you so much! i'm so glad you enjoyed my post.

i think the simple, vibrant life is the one that's truly living, and i know that's the kind of life i want. may God give you strength and grace as you pursue it!