Monday, August 15, 2011

Old School Reads:4

"Books are a uniquely portable magic."
Stephen King

Mr. King was exactly right. To me and all those who share the love of reading, books are magical. They can make you laugh and then burn with anger. They can make you cry and then hold your breath in suspense. Books are wonderful!

To end up these few posts on old school reads, I will introduce you to one of my most read books. I read these books so much that the pages are stained and bent because I loved to read at breakfast!

Have you heard of the Ms. Piggle Wiggle books? They are a funny set of books about this quirky woman and her remedies for common childhood issues. Got a picky-eater in your house? Ask her! What about siblings that argue day and night. She has a cure!

I loved these books because the children in them were so ridiculous. They were involved in all types of hijinks that would not have happened in my household. And I ate that up! I loved to read about children and their funny lives! I liked to let my little imagination just run wild with possibilities. And I promise you, that is a part of the reason that I have an active imagination, and take joy in the hilarity of everyday life to this day:)


Annie said...

ahhh! I love Miss Piggle Wiggle, but I honestly thought no one else had heard of her! Jordan hadn't, and I was so disappointed, because those are really great books! :) I knew you and I were kindred spirits...

Sabrina said...

:) Go us! Yeah they are definitely oldies but goodies.